I just bought a new toothbrush and I realized how bad my toothbrush (Ive been using it for a long while now) was. In saying that, you don't know how bad your toothbrush is until you buy a new one. ha ha. So anyway, I pondered about this, and it gave me some inspiration... You don't know how bad a life your living until you CHANGE. Most of my peers wouldn't have a clue that I use to be a very naughty girl when I was in intermediate and in my early years of high school. You know, thats what hanging with the wrong crowd does to you. It wasn't 'til I REALIZED how insensitive, and immature I was being. The change of schools told me I had to GROW UP. That didn't make me happy. But I found a passion for dance. The CHANGE didn't only make me better, but it gave me knowledge. I'm a complete different person now, hanging around my youth from church did me good too! That would be a CHANGE of 'crowd' - not being surrounded by those who influence me in a bad way. Anyways this isn't about me, its about YOU. If this sounds a little like you then listen up... There are three main things that contribute to CHANGE.
1) environment (thats the influence). It could be easily as change your lifestyle. If you always go parties, and drink and such you should stop because its VERY hard to go and not DRINK. Or maybe the sort of friends you hang out with need a little tweeking.
2) attitude. I know this sounds easy, but its SO HARD! usually it requires you to be HUMBLE. Yeah i know heaps of us say "aw that dude cool, he's humble!" but really... That word has lost its meaning and importance as we use it so much in society.
3) YOURSELF. The only thing that's stopping YOU from progressing in life, is YOU. Simple as that!
And so there you have it. These helped me when I needed to be BETTER than I was... I hope it works for you.
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