ayt EFY was the shizzz! I mean, brooo i loved it all, from tuesday onewards ; SUS being real people, the first day wasnt all that great. lol sus wanna say that EFY changed me... Yes, all the scripture readings, morningsides, devotionals yeah it got to me. AND i dont know anyone who it hasnt touched. I love the efy program, and would go to efy again in a heart beat (shot teone docks:L) but i really would. I love my company so much. I would do anything for them (kinda overboard, but i would!:L) we grew together. The boys entered those College gates as boys, left as GENTLEMEN yeah they did (thanks teone again lol) and the girls, they were soo awesome, except for Jordan. Jokes :DD she was the best. all K SQUAD girls ran it :D love them so much and i know they are going to be great future leaders! I truly do see Bishops and Stake presidents, and Relief society leaders in our squad.... And we all helped eachother thru the 5 days. Shared laughs, hardship (makin blankets:L) and tears. The tears if your wondering, we didnt fight or jack, we all bore our testimony (weell most of us) and most if not all cried. Yeah i cried too. Sheesh. Standing in front of my company, all i had to say was The first day....AND THE TEARS CAME POURING DOWN. hahahaha! like broo, can you not?! I dont know, but i couldnt stop it. Yeah EFY does that to ya! oh and the last day, when i hugged everyone, i cried. They made me cry lolol. Then i cried again!!!!! when i was leaving. But im so proud and thankful for the boyz for holding my "wardrobe" and taking it to my car lol. It was mega heavy, so yeah thanks boys! Bro and mountain, thanks for holding my heavy as bag ay at the workshops. Oi and Room 17 Ladies =) yeah you know i love you girls, and our lil late night talks hahahaha. bro that Danny lady lost it ay, that was cracked hahaha "want help cleaning the kitchen?" and we all go and clean the kitchen like at midnight. Nice one haha. Broo who would'ah thought that a girl like me, could live a life without ashlynnnnnneeeeeee. well we saw eachother - but hardly lol. Mann im glad we werent in the same companies except for why me and her were in the same one.. Lucky? lol =) yeah cos im glad i got to know other people. Like my coool company. Broo Sariah, she is a superstar in prep broo! Mean pipes lil mama =) you better remember us ay when you get all famous and all. =) hmm.. and can we not have the biggest clown ever!? Sione.. This niggah's like up there with all his jokes hahaha. And tooo funny, is it Harry or Junior? hahahaha, and yeah guys!! I know LIKI... Wohooo, hes in my company! Lucky me haha. Emma babe, goodluck for you ;o lol. Cody, GO FOR ITTTT! You can do it, lol CRE8 whaat. This dudes gonna be big and famous too, with CRE8 dance crew, so watch out! Aw and we were totally honoured to have Veronica bear her testimopny... To those who dont know, Veronica is a non member... And she has a testimony of the gospel! Guys, shes showing us up lol. Nah i think our company stepped up hard at the testimony bearing!! Thanks Terina for playing the violin. I loved the piece :D and finally (ill end my novel) lol , BIG UPS to the councillors cos i dont think we'd all be this way without them.. B.B, Terina and clemens. ANNDDD last but not least. Fake Rolex. Oooh yeah! =)
p.s Thanks to the butters too, mean experience! And the speakers e.g. Elder Nielson =D Priviledged as to have him there:D
Love love love for my company, and EFY overrall =)
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