SORRY noodles I haven't posted in ages. I just got "home", from two camps. Lifes awesome... Just some updates... I'm in a dance crew now =D so im SUPER waaay excited. We're made of 8 girls and 1 boy.. =) we may as well be 9 girls cos Shak can be a sexy mama when he vogues YO! So yeap WELCOME SORORITY to the Royal Family... =) Im pretty much loving it already...
But first of all! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my moving to AO. AO up'd my game in dance hardout! Big ups to my dance teacher who is more than a teacher at most times... Shes one of the docks! =) Miss Waters, and Miss Webster too ay.. Gotta love the white chicks. =) and also to Lankey who kinda started it ay in church lol... Then Moni, Shalom, Cilla hardout lke pushed me into it. And I cant forget the AO bring it on crews in 08 and 09... We all helped each other out!! They helped me loads as well. x I wouldnt be a dancer a good one if it wasn't for these people!!
And last but not least, my parents! Broo they can like give it to me when im being the meanest egg, but they took me to the audition, support me when they like, and sacrifice lots for me to make it to these shows and etc. So thank you mum and dad; i love you